Facey Medical, Valencia, CA. 1/2" PVC letters, painted metallic bronze.

Facey Medical, Valencia, CA. 1/8" double-layered acrylic, front printed plus ADA letters, back painted metallic bronze.

Element Materials, Huntington Beach, CA. 1/2" clear acrylic letters, backface printed.

Element Materials, Huntington Beach, CA. 1/2" clear acrylic letters, backface printed.

Tukatech, Commerce, CA. 1/2" black PVC letters.

NASA Services, Montebello, CA. 1/4" silver-on-black alumaplast with 1/4" printed PVC backer outline, clear vinyl printed blue A. 1/2" PVC printed red.

Sterling Pacific, Commerce, CA. 1/4" black PVC letters, printed vinyl face.

Sterling Pacific, Commerce, CA. 1/4" black PVC letters, printed vinyl face.

Hallmark Lighting, Chatsworth, CA. 1/8" brushed silver-on-black alumaplast on 1/4" clear frosted acrylic, in front of 1/4" alumaplast base.

Hallmark Lighting, Chatsworth, CA. 1/8" brushed silver-on-black alumaplast on 1/4" clear frosted acrylic, in front of 1/4" alumaplast base.

Animal Supply Co., Santa Fe Springs, CA. 1/8" clear acrylic letters, back printed and laser cut.

1/2" & 3/16" printed gatorboard, trade show display.

1/2" & 3/16" printed gatorboard, trade show display.

1/2" & 3/16" printed gatorboard, trade show display. Detail view.

1/2" & 3/16" printed gatorboard, trade show display. Top removed to show how the corners assemble.

Paperboard octagonal box half. First cut, then flipped for creasing. I designed and made the creasing drag tool for this machine, which did not have tangential spindle control.

Paperboard octagonal box half. Folded (temporarily) to test assembly.

US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles, CA. 1/2" acrylic letters, 1/8" acrylic logo, 1/4" acrylic background on standoffs, installed.

US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles, CA. 1/2" acrylic letters, 1/8" acrylic logo, 1/4" acrylic background on standoffs, installed.
- My work for the USACE LA Hall of Heroes sign (previous) is among my proudest. It was my biggest solo project, labor-wise, and was NOT
cut on a CNC router, but rather done with manual power tools – band saw, scroll saw, lots of polishing...then more polishing. This was one of the
hardest projects I've ever worked on, and looked fabulous when it was done, even up close.

Clarion Hotel, Los Angeles, CA 1/4" Brushed silver-on-black alumaplast.

Clarion Hotel, Los Angeles, CA 1/4" Brushed silver-on-black alumaplast.